Map of West Africa re Is the conflict re: the 2017 Presidential Inauguration unique to America?

Is the conflict re: the 2017 Presidential Inauguration unique to America?

Call for martial law to prevent a change of presidents. Concern over potential threats related to campaign favors. Opposition turmoil aggressively hindering changes by the incoming administration. Fear the Presidential decisions will destroy the country. Is the conflict re: the 2017 Presidential Inauguration unique to America?


Martial Law

When I read Rosie O’Donnell’s tweet calling for martial law to prevent Donald Trump’s inauguration, I had two questions:

  • Did Canada throw a wrench in her promise to immigrate following Trump’s win?
  • Did Rosie think her suggestion a unique idea?

I haven’t any info on the first, but the answer to the second question can be found in West African current affairs. Initially, the incumbent president of The Gambia accepted defeat, stating he’d step down when his term ended.

The date the newly elected president should take office is January 19. Unfortunately, he’s changed his mind and plans to sit tight.

The leadership of the West African states met at the end of last week, taking the President-Elect with them to a joint meeting in nearby Bamako, Mali. The meeting will decide if Martial Law should be declared in The Gambia in order to remove the recalcitrant Head of State.

Tuesday, the President declared a state of emergency, covering the next ninety days. The response from the West African leaders? Nigeria sent a warship to anchor off Gambia’s coast.

The Gambia’s beaches are a common destination for European tourists. Their revenue makes up the majority of the country’s income. Yesterday, a major English tourist agency arranged to fly 1000 clients back to England, immediately. No doubt others will follow their lead. Bottom line: Everybody loses when the democratic process is interrupted.


Campaign Favors

There’s the issue of what favors have been promised to those who helped unseat the sitting political party in the States. For the moment, there’s no way to validate the predictions tossed at those listening to the news. Time will tell if the reporters’ concerns materialize into any significant threat.

The President of the Ivory Coast has been dealing with an election-related mutiny for the past two weeks. The soldiers who claim unfulfilled campaign favors have been terrorizing cities and towns in the Ivory Coast. Unless the President agrees to give each soldier a house and $8000 in cash, their mutinous violence will continue until the President they helped get elected is removed.


Destroy America

Just how valid is the worry that Donald Trump at the helm will destroy America? So far, the business world is responding favorably, but what about military concerns?

A few days ago, an international news broadcast provided an up-close view at what a president destroying his country looks like. The President of Syria is dropping barrel bombs on its citizens, as well as unleashing poisonous chlorine gas for a slower, more agonizing death on Syria’s women and children. Damascus has had not a drop of water for drinking or washing in two weeks. The President’s destruction of the huge water pumping operation stopped the flow to the opposing factions, but also shut off all water to the capital city.

Do we seriously think Donald Trump’s going to destroy America? He’s surrounding himself with military experts who know how to protect America. Time will tell, but so far, Trump neither sounds nor acts like a dictator.


Opposition’s Effect

Some strong voices vehemently refuse to accept Trump’s victory. They call for complete disruption of everything to do with the new administration. How will such a position affect the country?

I’ve lived a fair bit of the last quarter-century in a West African country that’s changed little in all those years. Tribal conflict spilled over into politics, and only the rich got richer.

We had such hope when a man exiled in 1959 returned. He’d been educated in France, enjoying a successful career.

In 2010, Mr. A. C. won election as our President. Sadly, nothing much has changed in the past six years. Not because the President didn’t try to fulfill his campaign promises. He’s still trying. He’s not the problem.

The President spends the vast majority of his time trying to get the opposition to work with him to bring the needed changes and resources into the country. Unfortunately, the opposing political parties aren’t interested in anything but unseating the President.

Though international companies have met with the President to discuss developing the seriously under-developed country, none want to work with a dysfunctional government. They take their millions elsewhere.



Think about it: Is the conflict re: the 2017 Presidential Inauguration unique to America? As shown above, it’s not. One common factor can be seen in interrupting the democratic process: everybody loses.

The reality is that whatever your political preference, tomorrow, Donald J. Trump will take the oath of office as the 45th president of the United States of America. None of us will be served by opposing his inauguration. The big loser will be the country.

How ‘bout we give Trump a chance to prove himself or fail. Like Comedian Sheen suggested, Donald Trump can always be impeached, right?


For those Americans identifying as Christians, let’s follow the Bible’s admonition and pray for those in authority over us. Pray for:

  • May the Lord protect the leaders and their families from harm, as well as the painful comments flying about them.
  • Provision. May God provide what’s needed for each program to protect the country, develop the economy, and help the people of America.
  • Above all, may the Lord give wisdom to each man or woman in authority in order for the best policies and decisions to be made.

Welcome, President Trump and May God Bless America!


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  1. Shared on fb…Sorry that I was late in reading this timely article.

    1. Thank you for sharing the post with others–much appreciated. Looks like the President of the Gambia will return to Guinea with our host country President. Life is more complicated in Africa.

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