Courtesy of 123RF Stock Photo  Bonita Cheshier   /     Warut Chinsai

Should Evangelicals Exchange 2016 Election Soapboxes For Kneelers?

Enough already! The split dividing Christians just keeps growing wider and deeper by the hour. Why should Evangelicals exchange 2016 Election soapboxes for kneelers? We’ve argued enough; it’s time to pray. We believe that Almighty God directs our every move, so let’s ask Him how to mark that ballot.

Christians voting for the candidate

One side declares a belief that Donald Trump may be used of God to rescue America from destruction. After all, God used the pagan King Cyrus to rebuild the city of Jerusalem for the Jewish people about to be released from their Babylonian captivity.

Really? God would use someone like Trump? It’s a definite possibility. God’s God and not confined to the box we’ve stuffed Him into for centuries.

The other side suggests that Hillary must win because it’s time for judgment to fall on America. We’re living in the End Times, and the judgment is part of the picture unfolding.

Really? People should vote for Hillary to bring about the destruction of Christianity in America? Again, it’s a definite possibility. If Hillary fulfills Obama’s declarations that she’ll continue his legacy, the principles of godly living outlined in the Bible have little chance of survival.

This is exactly why we need to pray before we vote. God knows where we are on His Last Days timeline.


Considering the potential outcome

Do you believe God will use your vote to slow down the boulder rolling down that End Time mountain? If you say, “Yes,” vote for Trump.

Or, the alternative, “Not a chance; it’s already headed for the crash. I’m gonna give it a shove as it passes.” Vote for Hillary.

Maybe you’re in the third-party camp that says, “The end is inevitable, but I don’t want to actually vote for Hillary.” Vote for an independent. He has no chance of getting enough votes. You’ll be helping Hillary win, anonymously.

Wait a second! Both candidates with any chance of winning fall into the Psalm 90:10 length of life: Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures. Should we decide the vote by individual promises and personality characteristics alone?


Christians Voting by Platform

Since anything can happen to frail, mortal man/woman, the more prudent direction may be to vote for the platform that best represents your personal belief system.

Americans may need to do this anyway if the polls are any indication of feelings. Never in history have both candidates been so disliked or distrusted by the vast majority of voters.

Consider overlooking any personal feelings toward the candidate at the top of the ticket and focus on what their party promises the administration will do. Take the list to the Lord, laying it out on the altar as King Hezekiah did in II. Kings 19.

Don’t be distracted by all the media hype or online reactions from Christian leaders around the globe. Seek the Lord with your whole heart, as the abovementioned distressed monarch did.



If you’re truly wanting to obey God’s leading, the Lord will help you understand how He would have you mark that ballot. Study your Bible and listen to God speak through the Scriptures. You don’t have to be a spiritual giant to sense God’s leading. He will give you peace in your heart.

Why should Evangelicals exchange 2016 Election soapboxes for kneelers? Because the time has come. Everything that needs to be said already has. It’s time to get on our knees and pray.

Don’t forget if you received the packet by mail:


The ballot must be in by Tuesday, May 8.




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